Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXII, Issue 1
Written by George TOADER, Constantin CHIURCIU, Viorica CHIURCIU, Paul CHIȚONU, Nistor MAIEREAN, Leonard ILIE
The use of intensive chemistry in the agricultural field was a first cause of ollution in the agricultural field. In order to move towards sustainable, environmentally friendly agriculture, farmers took into ccount the use of alternatives to chemical fertilizers, green, green and non-polluting alternatives. Thus, o-called ecological fertilizers, green fertilizers, soil-friendly, agricultural crops, production and, implicitly, for humans and nimals have emerged. The alternative to chemical fertilizers is fertilizer based on bacterial cultures. In agriculture, he main source of nutrition is the nutrients. These are the basis for the growth and development of cultural plants, and they re indispensable to any form of life. On the other hand, the amount of nutrients at some point in time may decrease or ncrease depending on certain pedoclimatic factors, soil typology, the ability of plants to return some of the nutrients onsumed (by the decomposition of crop residues) and so on.
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