Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXII, Issue 1
Written by Victor ȘALARU, Gheorghe JIGĂU, Elena TOFAN, Sergiu DOBROJAN, Nina PLĂCINTĂ, Eugeniu CIOBANU
Algalization - administration procedure in the soil of living algal cultures in rder to restore trophic chains within soil microbiocenoses, which have a beneficial impact on all levels of soil ecosystem rganization. At the lower levels (biocellular, ionic-mineral and elementary particle) involves biochemical processes and rganic-mineral with the formation of active substances which determines the structural-aggregate organization of oil mass which involves several evolutionary stages: 1. Elementary particle algae/microbiota elementary particle → microaggregate (< 0.25 mm); 2. Microaggregates algae/ mictobiota elementary particle → aggregate (1-0.25 mm); 3. Aggregate (1-0.2 mm) humic/ substances aggregate (1-0.25 mm) → aggregate 7-1 mm. Within these processes three groups of structural aggregates with different pedogenetic stability and functions are formed.
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