Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXII, Issue 1
Written by Iurie ROZLOGA, Vladimir FILIPCIUC, Lilia BOAGHE, Olesea COJOCARU
The Republic of Moldova is characterized by temperate continental climate, mild nd short winter, hot and long summer with a relatively small amount of atmospheric precipitation. The average nnual rainfall volume in the North of Moldova is 550-600 mm. In the Center region, rainfall is predominantly low 500-550 mm), and in the South - very low (450-500 mm). The climatic zone determines the frequency of the drought henomenon. In the North of the country, a severe drought is recorded every 10 years, in the Center area, 2-3 times, and n the South region, 3-4 times. With global climate change, the phenomenon of drought is more frequent. This creates high moisture deficiency in soil and air, the consequences of which lead to a substantial decrease in crop roductivity or even loss of crop. In the territory of Ialoveni district the pedoameliorative situation is very complex. As a result of the work carried out, new data were obtained regarding the current state of the natural factors influencing the co-natural settlement within the studied territory. In order to appreciate the natural potential of Ialoveni district, rotect and increase soil fertility, trace the ways of development of agricultural enterprises, and thus improve the ocio-economic level of the rural population, it is necessary to study in detail the natural factors: climate, relief, surface water and pedophrenatics, silvicultural arrangements, soil cover, and others.
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