ISSN 2285-5785, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5793, ISSN ONLINE 2285-5807, ISSN-L 2285-5785


Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXI, Issue 2
Written by Marina ZAKHAROVA, Tamara LEAH, Sveatoslav BALIUK, Valerian CERBARI, Oleksandr NOSONENKO

The parameters of the agrochemical state and fertility of alluvial-meadow soils of the Dnieper and Dniester rivers have been studied. Irrigation of soils of the floodplain Dnieper river is characterized by a high degree of fertility of the 0-20 cm layer: a high content of humus, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (according to the National Standards of Ukraine). In the profile distribution of humus content in the non-irrigated soil, there are two peaks: the sod and the buried humus horizon. The content of nutrients from the sod to depth on the profile of the non-irrigated soil is sharply reduced. Alluvial irrigated soils in the Dniester meadow are characterized by low humus content in dependence on the soil clay texture, high content of mobile phosphorus and exchangeable potassium in the arable layer. In the deeper horizons of the all studied soils, the content of nutrients and humus sharply decreases. To increase the fertility of irrigated agricultural soils it is necessary to increase the flow of organic matter into the arable layer by using them under multi-annual grasses.

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