Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LX
Written by Tamer ÜSTÜNER, Firat ARSLAN
The aim of this study was to determine the density of weed species seen around irrigation canals located in the district of Kahramanmaraş was made during the 2016 vegetation period of the species. This study caried out along the bank of irrigation channals in order to determine density of weed species in 8 district of Kahramanmaraş (Onikişubat, Dulkadiroğlu, Afşin, Andırın, Elbistan, Göksun, Pazarcık and Türkoğlu). The study was not conducted in Çağlayancerit, Nurhak and Ekinözü because lack of suitable agricultural plains and absense of irrigation channals. 31 different weed species belonging to 145 families were identified as far as studies in open channals in Kahramanmaraş. On average, 103.64 units/m2 of weed has fallen in the square meter in the region. The district with the highest weed density is Onikişubat district (124.64 units/m2). This was followed by Dulkadiroğlu (115.79), Göksun (110.10), Pazarcık (108.49 units/m2 ), Türkoğlu (105.08 units/m2), Andırın (104.92), Elbistan (81.87 units/m2) and Afşin (78.26 units/m2), respectively. In the study area, 1 of the weed species is fern (Pterydophyta), 29 of them are monocotyledone, and 115 are dicotyledone. Some weed species, which are detected intensively in the area, are; Bromus varvensis (9.17), Cynodon dactylon (8.56), Agropyron repens (8.48), Alopecurus myosuroides (8.35), Papaver rhoeas (8.06), Matricaria chamomilla (7.00), Sorghum halepense (6.63), Phragmites australis (5.37), Dactylis glomerata (2.96), Amaranthus retroflexus (2.90) and Avena sterilis (2.85). Off irrigation channals are only used in Onikişubat, Dulkadiroğlu and Türkoğlu districts agriculture areas. 62 weed species belonging to 18 families were determined according to mean of these districts where overall weed species intensity is 35.315 per m2. Agropyron repen, C. dactylon, Alopecurus myosuroides, Bromus arvensis, Avena sterilis, Setaria verticillata, Dactylis glomerata, Matricaria chamomilla are intensive weed species (mean weed number 1-10 per m2) in those districts were determined.
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