Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LX
Written by Svetlana DARII
The paper aimed to present the role and impact of International Fund for Agriculture on the development of the rural areas of the Republic of Moldova. Till the present the rural development are on the law level. The farmers were facing significant problems in running the business and a lot of poor people still lived in rural areas. These people could potentially be employed only in Agriculture as other economic activities are less developed in the rural areas. The Rural Financial Services and Agribusiness Development Project (RFSADP) is the fifth International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) program in Moldova and became effective on July 4, 2011. The implementation of the RFSADP was divided into four main components, to address various issues identified for reducing the poverty in rural areas. Each component and subcomponent describes a certain approach to improve business development in rural areas, with focus on agriculture and to improve the quality of lives for the people in rural areas. International Fund for Agriculture Development provided funding, consultancy and organized a set of activities to target poor people in rural areas to improve their living, to increase their knowledge about the most recent technologies in agriculture and to provide practical information about how to run their business and increase output
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