Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LX
Written by Maria TOADER, Emil GEORGESCU, Alina Maria IONESCU
This paper present the results obtained about the effectivess of some insecticides agaist Tanymecus dilaticollis atack in maize crops at NARDI Fundulea. These products are allowed in organic farming by Anexx 2 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products with regard to organic production, labelling and control. The insectisides used in the maize seeds tratament were: Neem-TS, Laser 240-TS and Bactospeine DF-TS in dose of 2.5 g/250 grams of seeds. In vegetation it were used: Neem-TV and Laser 240-TV in dose of 150 ml/ha. The used maize hybrid was Olt variety obtained at NARDI Fundulea. Also, it performed productivity elements and seeds yields and chemical compozition on Laboratory of Yields Quality of Crop Sciences Department, Bucharest Faculty of Agriculture. The insecticides effectiveness fluctuated between 5.5 when it was applied Laser 240-TS (2.5 ml/250 g. s.) and 6.12 when it was applied Laser 240-TV (150 ml/ha). The density of crop maize ranged between 98.5 plants/plot of Laser 240-TV apllied on seeds by comparison with the same product applied in vegetation. The largest yields was of 6676 kg/ha at insecticide variant with the best effectiveness Laser 240-TS (2.5 ml/250 g. s.). The chemical composition of seeds, in average, was: 12.27% protein; 70.83% starch; 4.41% oil; 1.26% ash; fibre 1.77%. These results showed that there was no influence of insecticides on yield quality.
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