ISSN 2285-5785, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5793, ISSN ONLINE 2285-5807, ISSN-L 2285-5785


Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LX
Written by Victor STARODUB, Ruslan TABACARI

Investigating the productive potential of the variety „Select” under the action of three technological factors with different graduations it was proved the priority of the forerunner peas due to the nitrogen-fixing bacteria. The forerunner spring vetch is less ensured with nitrogen because a part of biological nitrogen is used by the oat plants. Yield increase, provided statistically by a significantly positive record, was obtained as a result of sowing on the recommended and admissible planting dates and constituted respectively 133.3 and 41.6 kg/ha. The limit difference was of 68.2 kg. At the same time, the yield level was higher on the recommended planting date reaching the following values: 5016.6 kg/ha at the seed density of 4 million germinating seeds per hectare, 5100.0 kg/ha at 5 million germinating seeds per hectare, and 5233.3 kg/ha at 6.0 million germinating seeds per hectare. The average yield of the variety „Select” sowed after the forerunner spring vetch was lower by 648.7 kg/ha compared to the yield obtained after the forerunner peas. Analyzing the factors that induce fluctuations in the protein content of wheat kernels it was established that the most important one is the planting date when the protein surplus, after the forerunner peas, constituted +1.84 % and +2.05 % provided statistically by a positive record compared to the control variant, the LD being 0.73%. High protein content with difference provided statistically by a significantly positive record was obtained after the forerunner peas + 0.73% compared to the spring vetch, the limit difference being of 0.58%. Sowing the variety „Select” on admissible and late planting dates in terms of the crop year 2014/2015 provided a higher content of protein substances with difference provided statistically by a significantly positive record after both forerunner plants, however the values of this indicator were higher after the forerunner peas. Seed density did not influence kernel quality.

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