Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LX
Written by Hristofor KIRCHEV, Rumyana GEORGIEVA
In order to establish genotypic plasticity and stability of the yield components in triticale, data from three years field trial have been used. The main structural yield components (number of spikes per m2 ; plant height, cm; spike length, cm, number of grain per spike; mass of grain per spike, g) of five triticale varieties are determined. The modified model of Eberhart and Russel was applied. The coefficients of the linear regressions bk characterize the average variety reaction to changes in the climatic conditions, show his plasticity and give opportunity to prognosticate the researched parameter in the range of the investigated conditions. The main parameter, which estimates the variety stability, is the dispersion Sk. The more the dispersion of the stability Sk to zero tends, the less the empirical values of the signs distinguish from the theoretical values, located on the regression line. The plasticity of the indicator Nr. of spikes/m2 is with the highest values by the varieties AD-7291, Sadovec and Rakita. According to the varieties Rojen and Zaryad this indicator is with lower values. By the both linear parameters – Plant height and Spike length the triticale varieties react on the same way. The triticale varieties react to the environmental conditions and to the components Nr. of grain/spike and Mass of grain/spike almost equally. The stability values are contrariwise proportional to the varieties plasticity regarding the components Nr. of spikes/m2 Plant height and Spike length. According to the both signs, related to the grain (Nr. of grain/spike and Mass of grain/spike) no similar tendencies are have been observed. The yield plasticity coefficient correlates positive with all yield components. By the yield stability coefficient there is a positive correlation by the Nr. of spikes/m2 and the Mass of grain/spike, and negative by the component Plant height.
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