ISSN 2285-5785, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5793, ISSN ONLINE 2285-5807, ISSN-L 2285-5785


Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LX
Written by Marin DUMBRAVĂ, Viorel ION, Adrian Gheorghe BĂŞA, Ionela DOBRIN, Ioana NICULAE, Niculae DINCĂ

Maize is the most important crop in Romania, covering an area that varied between 2.0 and 3.2 million hectares in the years after 2000. The large surfaces grown with maize in Romania are due to favourable climatic conditions for this crop, but also to high-performance crop technologies which makes the crop to be performant. Taking into consideration the total maize production, Romania ranges the second position in EU, after France. In this context, selecting the most suitable maize hybrids for each agricultural area is essential in view to obtain high yields in an efficient way. The aim of this paper is to present the results related to yield components and grain yields at an assortment of maize hybrids cultivate with a high-performance crop technology and under favourable soil and climatic conditions from South Romania. Our study was performed under conditions of the cambic chernozem in Baneasa area, Giurgiu County from South Romania, and in the context of the favourable climate conditions of the year 2013. The studied maize hybrids in our field experiment were the following: DKC 4964 (FAO group 390), PR36R10 (FAO group 400), PR37K67 (FAO group 400), Olt (FAO group 400), Fundulea 376 (FAO group 450), PR35F38 (FAO group 450), PR35P12 (FAO group 470), Florencia (FAO group 490), PR35T06 (FAO group 500), Rapsodia (FAO group 500), and Generos (FAO group 540). From the climate point of view, the year 2013 was favourable for maize crop in the experimental area. At harvesting time, determinations and analyses were performed regarding: the above-ground biomass, the cob weight, the number of grains per cob, the grain weight per cob, the grain ratio on cob, the thousand grain weight, and the grain yield.

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