Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LX
Written by Dragoş Costin DIMA
From 2013 to 2015 soybean planted area in Europe - including Ukraine and the European part of Russia - increased 160% respectively, from 2,653 thousand ha to 4,206 thousand ha. The most favorable area for soybean, Danube region recorded 170% increase of the soybean area from 2013 to 2015, from 441 thousand ha to 758 thousand ha. The new CAP measures - entering into force in 2015 - allows EU member states to grant subsidies under Voluntary Coupled Support (VCS) for protein crops, soybean being included. VCS amounts are on top of the Single Area Payment System (SAPS). Therefore, the soybean crop is more and more reconsidered by the farmers all over Europe in general, mostly in the Danube region due to the agronomic and commercial benefits. In some countries from the Danube region, such as Romania and Bulgaria, soybean cultivation was disrupted for many years. Under present growing interest in cropping soybean, the development of farmers’ technological skills and the transfer of know-now became more and more important for obtaining high and good quality yields. The experimental plots have been created with the purpose to provide farmers with field observations and solutions for various factors of soybean technology such as soybean genotypes, time of sowing, distance between rows, seeding density, weed control, bacterization, fertilization and microelements. The research was focused on two technological factors: time of sowing and distance between rows. The information and data were collected cover two consecutive years, 2015 and 2016.
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