Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LX
Written by Grozi DELCHEV
In 2010-2012 was studied the influence of some foliar fertilizers and growth regulators on grain yield and its stability of durum wheat cultivar Victoria (Triticum turgidum conv. durum Desf. var. valenciae). Factor A included the years of investigation. Factor B included 5 foliar fertilizers - Vertex high-H34 – 3 l/ha, High-phos – 5 l/ha, Potassium thiosulfate (PTS) – 5 l/ha, Foliar extra – 2.5 l/ha and Trace elements for cereals (TEC) – 1 l/ha, a growth stimulator Amalgerol premium – 3 l/ha, an antitranspirant Pureshade - 20 l/ha and tank mixture Amalgerol premium – 3 l/ha + TEC – 1 l/ha. Foliar fertilizers and growth stimulator were treated during tillering stage of the durum wheat and antitranspirant was treated during ear emergence and grain development stages of durum wheat. The grain yields are increase by foliar fertilizers Vertex high-H34, High-phos, Potassium thiosulfate (PTS), Foliar extra and Trace elements for cereals (TEC) and the growth stimulator Amalgerol premium were treated during tillering stage of the durum wheat and the antitranspirant Pureshade was treated during ear emergence and grain development stages of the durum wheat. Antitranspirant Pureshade is the most unstable for grain yield by treatment in both stages - ear emergence and grain development. Pureshade must be treated during the occurrence of drought, not during special stage of the durum wheat development. Tank mixture Amalgerol premium + TEC, followed by foliar fertilizers Vertex high-H34, Highphos, TEC and stimulator Amalgerol premium are technological the most valuable. They combine high grain yield with high stability with relation to different years. Using of these preparations is being proposed as an element of the technology for growing of durum wheat.
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