ISSN 2285-5785, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5793, ISSN ONLINE 2285-5807, ISSN-L 2285-5785


Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LX
Written by Alina SIMON, Teodor RUSU , Marius BARDAS , Felicia CHETAN, Cornel CHETAN

Pea is a plant sensitive to weeding, during the first stages of vegetation, with a high risk of losing the production should an integrated plan of controlling weeding is missing. The production obtained depends on one hand on the soil characteristics and the microclimate in the area, but also on the tillage system applied, the biological material used and its capacity to adapt, including recent climate changes. Thermal stress and high temperatures affect the physiological and biochemical processes from the plants, their research being necessary in relation to the technology applied. The paper presents the influence of the soil tillage system (conventional and minimum tillage) and of the experimental years 2015-2016 (differentiated as climate conditions) upon the degree of weeding, physiological characteristics and production of the pea crop. After having applied the two soil tillage systems, a number of 12 species of weeds was determined, and the annual dicotyledonous weeds are the biggest weeding source. The application of the minimum tillage system leads to a smaller production by 88 kg/ha, representing 97.7% of the conventional system, in the case of main production and 1643 kg/ha (79%) in the secondary production. The determination made upon pea plants and upon the most important crop weeds (Chenopodium album and Xanthium strumarium) led to different results for each physiological parameter. When applying the minimum tillage system, the values of the physiological parameters were lower for the pea crop and higher for Chenopodium album and Xantium strumarium than the values recorded in conventional soil tillage system. The CO2 assimilation rate was 17.89 μmol.m-2s-1 at the conventional system and 16.15 μmol.m-2s-1 at the minimum tillage system, and the average efficiency values of using water in photosynthesis were 3.32 μmol mol-1 at the conventional system and 2.77 μmol.mol-1 at the minimum tillage system.

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