Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LX
Written by Ali SARIOĞLU , Kemal DOĞAN, Tuğçe KIZILTUĞ , Ali COŞKAN
Intensive farm applications which were the major solution were proposed to nutrient to growing human population, damage to soil fertility, ecosystem elements and human healthy seriously. This damages come up long terms. Intensive farm applications cause to decrement of soil fertility and yield quality. While the soil reduces because of intensive farm applications human population increases every year. So intensive farm applications is not a good solution and idea for nutrient to increasing human populations. This study aimed to present solutions alternative of intensive farm applications. We propose to alternative farm applications against to intensive farm applications are organic farm (OF), organo-mineral farm (OMF). In this paper it was given some organic and chemical farm applications results to compare. Some of the results of organic and mineral applications given in this paper were studied by our research group. Some of results of this paper showed that, some of organic farm applications were increased to yield more than chemical applications. However organic applications cost is higher than other chemical or intensive farm applications. Because of the high cost and low yield of organic farming it is not prefer commonly. So that we suggested that organic and mineral (organo-mineral) applications together with suitable rate for sustainable agriculture and soil quality.
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