Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LX
Written by Marian MUȘAT, Alexandra RADU, Roxana MADJAR
Mavrodin town, is located in the center of Teleorman County on DJ 703, between the towns Buzescu and Calinesti. Research has been conducted on an area of approximately 400 hectares on land plane, belonging to SC Agrilemi SRL, the soil cover is represented by reddish preluvosoil molic subtype. In order to characterize morphologic and physicochemical soil type representative, it opened soil profile from which samples were taken and modified natural soil settlement and several polls. For the preparation of fertilizer on crops, it was made an agrochemical mapping, which consisted of a collection of 40 soil samples environments, which are conditional and analyzed in laboratories ICPA. Also it determined the productive potential of the soil cover based on the study of evaluation and mitigation measures recommended enunciation.
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