ISSN 2285-5785, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5793, ISSN ONLINE 2285-5807, ISSN-L 2285-5785


Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LX
Written by Tamara LEAH

Landslides in Moldova presents a characteristic component of the landscape, the age of majority of them reach in the tens of thousands years. The total landslide area is about 750 thousand hectares, of which predominate the old stabilized slides, but there are about 84 thousand hectares of active landslides and ravines, mostly on the agricultural land. The paper examined the factors that lead to the formation of landslides - geological-structural, hydrogeological, geomorphologic, seismic, climatic, and anthropogenic. Quantitative data are presented on the dynamics of land areas with slides in a period of 45 years. Although some of them were set aside and forested, the affected area continue to rise: 1970-1975 – average growth is 18500 ha, 1976-1980 - 8800 ha, 1981-1985 - 23600 ha, 1986-1990 - 6200 ha, 1990-2015 - 4400 ha. Landslides after their essence present a very complicated phenomenon. Therefore, at first are presented brief information on the genesis and diversity. Classification of landslides into five groups according to the complexity is needs to be finalization of the reasons that the number of these is significantly larger. Overall, landslide monitoring needs to develop a special method of execution because according to its nature, diversity, duration of process, the landslides as research objects are not included in common system of ecopedological monitoring

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