Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LIX
Written by Manol DALLEV, Ivan IVANOV, Ivan MITKOV, Jordanka ZAPRJANOVA
The article examines the degree of mixing of the soil ameliorants. Mixing is done with a new active disk machine, combining kinematics of tiller with a horizontal axis of rotation and displacement of soil from disk work bodies. The disk of the machine are of a different shape - cut along the periphery and a circular saw. Experiments were conducted on heavy sandy-clay soils with a clay content 56.6%, with 21% humidity and a constant speed of 4 km/h. The study aims to determine the extent of mixing soil with different discs of the machine. After the study is built diagram characterized the distributions of the improvers. Established was that the cut disk allocated improvers more depth and a circular lower, which It is due to more cut peripheries (more low contact with the soil). Thus, according to the requirements which we have, we can select the appropriate disk which satisfies them.
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