Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LIX
Written by Luxița RÎȘNOVEANU, Liviu DINCĂ, Emil Igor Vlad GEORGESCU, Mariana Carmen BURTEA
The experiment was initiated in the crop year of 2013 – 2014 and analysed the influence of the commercial product on winter wheat and autumn rape on the final crops. It was used the Glosa C1 wheat variety and Extec rape hybrid; the used mineral fertilizers were as follows: D.A.P., 15:15:15, EUROFERTIL TOP 38, UreeEgipt (Egypt Urea), Nitrocalcar (ammonium nitrate), Sulfammo 30 N-PROCESS. During the fall, it was provided a general background of P60 and part of the nitrogen and in the spring, the nitrogen was applied in a fractionated manner. Following the climatic conditions in the crop year of 2013 - 2014, it was noticed that the rainfall favourably influenced both the crop productions of rape and winter wheat and the phytopathogenic agents and pests’ multiplication that had a more aggressive manifestation than in the years with normal conditions. The highest rape crops were obtained by applying a dose of N150P60K60 with a production of 44.20q/ha,and the application of N150P60 dose to the winter wheat resulted in the production of 79.0 q/ha.
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