Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LIX
Written by Gheorghe PRIPA
In the Republic of Moldova for a long time was considered, that manure applied to winter wheat in recommended doses (40-60 t/ha) contains too much nitrogen and leads to lodging of plants, lower production and its quality. Therefore the winter wheat is incorporated only chemical fertilizers. At the same time, in neighboring countries (Romania, Ukraine) for fertilization of wheat, frequently are using organic fertilizers at lower doses (10-20 t/ha). The dates obtained in long-term experiments demonstrate, that to this crop can be used manure in the autumn, at the dose 20 t/ha. In the case, when the manure is applying to the forerunner of wheat, the dosage may be increased up to 40-60 t/ha. Wheat, fertilized with manure is relatively low: content of crude protein and crude gluten is only 23.1 and 13.12% respectively when we incorporated into the soil 20 t/ha manure. To increase quality indicators is necessary to incorporate foliar nitrogen.
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