Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LIX
Written by Tatiana BOCLACI, Larisa CREMENEAC
Worm compost is an organic fertilizer which is obtained in the result of bioconversion technology of organic waste by worm cultivation. In the article is reflected the evaluation of the influence of liquid organic fertilizer, obtained from worm compost and drinking water, on the process of emergence and particularities of the development of maize. As a research materials were used liquid organic fertilizer obtained from worm compost and maize. In the result of observations carried on the process of emergence of maize and its development it was found that more early started to arise the maize plants in variants in which the seeds were macerated and soil was sprinkled with liquid organic fertilizer obtained from crude worm compost and that with the fraction of 1 mm, using the proportions of 1:10 and 1:100. Analyzing the results obtained on the process of emergence at the end of the experiment, it was found that the maceration of maize seeds in that two variants of liquid fertilizer, accelerated the emergence and physiological development in the experimental variants in comparison with that of plants from variant control. So, the macerating of seeds in the liquid organic fertilizer had a positive impact on the process of emergence and development of maize.
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