Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LIX
Written by Ionuţ Cosmin SFETCU, Doru Ioan MARIN, Elena Loredana SFETCU
The concept of sustainable agriculture system includes numerous types of tillage, but in all cases the chosen variant takes into account the following: the climatic and edaphic conditions, the ecological particularities and the characteristics of the crop, and the technical level, so that crop production could be close to or even exceed the results achieved in the traditional system. The technological tillage systems have developed significantly over the past decades, in concept and the extension of conservative tillage methods, both worldwide and in Romania. Given the complex mechanization based on a variety of machinery and agricultural machinery, modern agriculture creates numerous possibilities for reducing interventions on the soil, thus increasing the profitability of agricultural production (Guș Petru, Rusu Teodor, 2008). This paper presents the results of the research carried out on the reddish preluvosoil of the Teaching Farm belonging to USAMV Bucharest and located at Moara Domnească, Ilfov County, in 2014. The biological material consisted in semi-late maize hybrids and the Romanian hybrid OLT – (FAO 400) as control. The experimental variants were: plough 20 cm (control), chisel 20 cm, chisel 40 cm, disk 10 cm, disk/plough 20 cm, disk/chisel 40 cm. In all tillage variants (Both traditional and minimal), the hybrid P0216 was the most productive, with the highest yield of 7595.3 kg/ha.
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