Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LIX
Written by Claudia Mariana ODOROG
The presence of nitrates in surface water and groundwater is a problem for many countries from European Union. The Directive 91/676/EEC establishes measures to be followed by agricultural sector to reduce nitrate pollution from nitrate and to prevent further pollution of this type. Measurements of nitrates concentrations in water wells from Sohatu village, Calarasi county, in May 2014 and July 2014, showed higher values than the maximum allowed nitrate concentration of 50 mg/l in some of the samples analyzed. The higher values were registered for ammonium. The presence of nitrates in drinking water is a problem because, in Sohatu, for many people, this is the only source of water. Drinking water with high concentration of nitrates affects the human health. The lack of a sewage system, the distance from well to latrine or stable that it is small, the use of fertilizers in large quantities than normally, the applied fertilizers without observing the periods of prohibition from code of good agricultural practice, the wells which are not covered and where not complied with conditions of hygienic and sanitary, these are some of the causes of high concentrations of nitrates. To reduce the concentration of nitrates in water wells and to prevent a new pollution, it is necessary to stablish some measures.
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