Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Andreea TICAN, Mihaela CIOLOCA, Monica POPA
During in vitro potato multiplication process, of three Romanian potato varieties (Sarmis, Foresta and Castrum) infected with Potato Virus S (PVS), detected by ELISA test, an experiment was performed with reference of influence of salicylic acid and antiviral ribavirin over two plantlets parameters: height (cm) and leaves number. The trifactorial experience (2 x 3 x 3), on 3 repetitions had the following factors: experimental factor A- the culture medium used before antiviral treatment, with two graduations: a1 - classical medium (as control) Murashige -Skoog (1962); a2 - MS+ salicylic acid (100 mg/l); experimental factor B - the variety, with three graduations: b1 - Sarmis (as control), b2 - Foresta, b3 - Castrum; experimental factor C - ribavirin concentration: c1 - 0 mg/l (as control); c2 - 50 mg/l; c3 - 100 mg/l. The objective of the study is to eradicate PVS. Using of ribavirin drastically decreased the height of the plantlets and the number of leaves, causing very significant negative differences for the two parameters (for both concentrations).
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