Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Maria MELNIC, Olesea GLIGA, Elena IURCU-STRĂISTARU
It was determined that, in the potatoes tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.), variety Albastriu mov, infested with nematode Ditylenchus destructor, the invasion intensity is 613.3 individuals/gram, the amount of dry matter is lower - 17%, than in non infested potatoes - 23% , the amount of protein is also decreasing and the amount of water is with 5% higher. The investigated potatoes tubers contain all 20 proteinogenic amino acids (AA), characteristic for plants, but the difference is that the amount of amino acids detected in infested tubers decreases, compared to that contained in non infested ones. In both infested and non infested potatoes tubers, the maximum values belong to non-essential amino acids - aspartic acid + asparagine (24.6% - non infested potatoes; 18.4 - infested potatoes) and glutamic acid + glutamine. We found that the quantitative variations of the main components - dry matter, water, proteins, amino acids, which occur in the infested plant tissue of potatoes tubers Solanum tuberosum, are directly dependent on the presence of the parasite Ditylenchus destructor, in the process of nutrition with the cytoplasmic content of the plants cells, as well as invasion intensity.
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