ISSN 2285-5785, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5793, ISSN ONLINE 2285-5807, ISSN-L 2285-5785


Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Paula IANCU, Marin SOARE, Ovidiu Florin PĂNIȚĂ

Foliar fertilization provides plants with the nutrients needed for optimal development much faster compared to conventional (root) fertilization. Each element has an important role in plant metabolism. To evaluate the influence of micronutrients, the liquid fertilizer whose content is shown in table 1 was experimented in the southern area of Romania on the Izvor variety, for two consecutive years (2020-2022). The research was carried out according to the method of randomized blocks, in three repetitions, with four foliar applications. These were: FA 0 (control), FA 1 (one foliar application) to FA 4 (four foliar applications). Application intervals were seven days, and the first foliar application was made seven days after full emergence. The results indicated that the effect of micronutrients can be significant in terms of yield, 1,000-grain weight and harvest index. Also, the interaction between year and foliar application was significant for chlorophyll b production and 1,000-grain mass. The experimental variant with the 4 foliar applications indicated a 15% increase in productivity. So, foliar application of micronutrients is a more efficient procedure in the field of wheat nutrition compared to the soil application method due to the higher absorption rate. Research shows that foliar fertilization can be an effective method to supplement and stimulate root uptake of elements to increase productivity.

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