ISSN 2285-5785, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5793, ISSN ONLINE 2285-5807, ISSN-L 2285-5785


Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Lilia CHISNICEAN, Tamara JELEZNEAC, Zinaida VORNICU

The paper indicates the results obtained over 19 years of research on the common basil species (Ocimum basilicum L.) as an aromatic and food crop, the description of the cultivars bred and registered in the Catalogue of Plant Varieties of the Republic of Moldova, as well as elaborated technological elements. The data on the morpho-biological parameters and the production of fresh and dried raw material and essential oil in the researched cultivars were obtained after conducting different tests over several years in various scientific institutions. The cultivars of basil were selected according to the requirements of the regional and local market for aromatic herbs. The cultivars created and registered are meant for the food industry, but they have various purposes of use - those with lemon flavor are best suited for hot drinks and refreshing ones, those with savory and "sweet" flavored foliage - for garnishing appetizers and salads, and the cultivars with peppery flavored foliage - for the preparation of meat and fish dishes. Thus, 6 cultivars of aromatic basil have been created and registered, for various uses, suitable for the pedoclimatic conditions of our country and nearby areas, with high productivity of fresh and aromatic raw material.

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