ISSN 2285-5785, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5793, ISSN ONLINE 2285-5807, ISSN-L 2285-5785


Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXVI, Issue 2
Written by Tanko KOLEV, Zhivkpo TODOROV

Field experience was carried out in 2017-2020 at the Educational Experimental and Implementation Base of the Agricultural University of Plovdiv. The following new varieties of Durum wheat selected at the Institute of Field Crops in the city of Chirpan were tested: Kehlibar, Reyadur, Tserera and Trakiets. They are compared to the standard of productivity variety Predel. The aim of the study is to establish the productivity of Durum wheat variety Kehlibar, Reyadur, Tserera and Trakiets under the soil and climatic conditions of the Plovdiv region. The field experiment was conducted using the block method in four replications with a harvest plot size of 15 m2. As a result of the three-year study, it was found that the productivity of Durum wheat variety Reyadur was the highest 4.520 t/ha with 0.455 t/ha (11.2%) higher grain yield compared to the standard variety Predel. Followed by Kehlibar variety 4.328 t/ha with 0.263 t/ha (6.5%); variety Trakiets 4.209 t/ha with 0.144 t/ha (3.5 %) and variety Tserera 4.146 t/ha with 0.081 t/ha (2.0 %) more grain compared to variety Predel. The higher productivity of the new varieties of Durum wheat is the result of the increased values of the structural components of the grain yield: productive tillering, number of grains and weight of grains per ear.

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