Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXVI, Issue 2
Written by Letiția Adriana BOCOȘ, Antonia ODAGIU, Camelia OROIAN, Cristian IEDERAN, Petru BURDUHOS
Sugar beet yields are highly influenced by a series of factors, both technological and environmental. This study aims to emphasize the effect of the environmental temperature and agricultural key inputs (fertilization and water) on production and sugar content function of sugar beet hybrid in the same growing area. A three factorial experiment was conducted (genotype x irrigation x fertilization) was organized from 2021 to 2022 in the experimental field located in Viișoara commune, Cluj County. Daily temperature and precipitations were monitored. The results of 2-years studies concerning the sugar content and yields for each experimental sugar beet variety (Vanghelis, Tesla, Penalty, and Gorilla) are recorded. The results of our study show that in Vanghelis variety are reported the highest average yields (66.60 t/ha), and sugar content (10.84%). The fresh and dry root yields and sucrose content did not differ significantly among Vanghelis and Gorilla varieties, but significant varieties are reported among these varieties, and the other two, Tesla, and Penalty, respectively. Strong and moderate correlations are identified between sugar beet yields and sucrose content on one hand, and environmental inputs on the other side, for each studied variety.
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