Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXVI, Issue 2
Written by Andrei BĂNICĂ, Doru Ioan MARIN
Drought is one of the abiotic stress factors that affect cereal production and represents an important risk factor even for tolerant crops, especially for spring crops. Climate change is putting more and more pressure on the cultivation technology of agricultural land, for which it is necessary to adapt the cultivation technology. This paper presents the results of the research carried out in the period 2020-2022, with the aim of identifying the best interactions between different variants of the basic soil work and some fertilization funds based on nitrogen, phosphorus and foliar fertilizers, thus it will be possible to establish, for the area under study (Sărăţeni-Ialomiţa county), in non-irrigated conditions of sorghum culture, which are the optimal options for obtaining a high production. Analyzing the data from the two years of research, 2021 a year rich in precipitation and 2022 a year with a water deficit, the influence of climatic conditions can be observed. The deeper the loosening of the soil was, the higher the increase in yeald was, tillage by scarification at 35 cm and at 45 cm excelled at all four fertilizations, thus having the highest biomass growth rates in the sorghum crop. The most favorable combination of technological factors that ensured a maximum production yield in 2021 of 8,040 kgha-1, was represented by tillage by scarifying at 45 cm and a fertilization of N100P50.
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