Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXVI, Issue 2
Written by Valerian CERBARI, Tamara LEAH
In the Lower Dniester meadow from the Republic of Moldova are spread the following subtypes of alluvial soils: ochric (poorly evolved), typical, humic, slitizated, hydric, salinized, solonetzed, gleyic. The most widespread are the clayey-loamy humic alluvisols in the central meadow, the post-marshy clayey deep-humic alluvisols in the meadow under the terrace and the weak humiferous alluvisols with semi-deep humiferous profile and humiferous soil layers buried deeper than 70 cm, formed on the loamy-sandy grind near the bed of the Blind Dniester. Most of the alluvisols in the Lower Dniester meadow are irrigated or have been irrigated. The texture is one of the most spatially variable on the profile of the alluvial soils in the Lower Dniester meadow.
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