Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXV, Issue 2
Written by Olga ZHERNOVA, Yurii DEHTIAROV, Oleksandr KUTS
According to the criteria of destructuring and compaction of agricultural soils, it is possible to establish and improve a set of agricultural measures that will increase their productivity and reduce the cost of growing crops to producers in agricultural enterprises. The structure helps to inhibit the mineralization of organic matter, which is better stored in agronomically valuable units with limited air supply. The more agronomically valuable of structure units, the higher the manifestation of physical factors of soil fertility. Physical condition is one of the most important factors for determining the conditions of growth and development of plants and the value of their productivity, as it determines the formation of water-air and thermal regime of the soil. We offer method of expert assessment of soils according to the criteria of destructuring and compaction of soils in which are in agricultural use.
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