Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXV, Issue 1
Written by Tatyana BOZHANSKA, Мagdalena PETKOVA, Biser BOZHANSKI, Minko ILIEV
The botanical and chemical composition with perennial forage grasses in the conditions of the Central Balkan Mountain was analyzed, where Festuca arundinacea (98.3%) had the highest share in spring, while Bromus inermis in summer grass stand (94.8%). Meadow fescue and Italian ryegrass (cv.К-13) had the slightest share in the first and second regrowth, respectively. The perennial meadow grasses are of good quality and high DM content. Bromus inermis (DM-911.7 and CP-145.2 g kg-1) and Dactylis glomerata (DM-910.1 and CP-138.7 g kg-1) had the highest values of DM and CP. The aboveground mass of Lolium perenne had the least amount of DM (901.1 g kg-1), but with a good content of CP (131.7 g kg-1). The dry matter and CP in the biomass of Lolium multiflorum varied from 905.5 to 905.8 g kg-1 and from 96.0 to 110.1 g kg-1, respectively, with CP concentration prevailing by 14.7% in the feed mass of cv.K-29t compared to cv.K-13. Festuca pratensis formed biomass with a higher CP content (by 3.1%) and CFr (by 10.6%) compared to Festuca arundinacea. A high correlation was found (r = 0.92) between the amount of DM and the percentage share of the species. Crude protein content correlated positively with the amount of CF (r = 0.77), calcium (r = 0.76), GE (r = 0.84) and FUG (r = 0.89).
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