Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXV, Issue 1
Written by Karel Iaroslav LAŢO, Alina LAŢO, Lucian Dumitru NIŢĂ, Anișoara DUMA-COPCEA, Mihai Teopent CORCHEŞ
This paper is an overview of pedo-genetical factors implicated in soil degradation from lower Timiş River basin area. The microrelief forms, the groundwater depth in soil profile and the nature of parental rocks is some of the principals factors who dictate the process of soil formation and their direction of development. The analysis of the limiting factors refers to their enumeration by synthesizing the ones the land plots for arable, the study and then the analysis of each one in relation to the manifestation at different points of the studied area, respectively. The purpose of this analysis is to provide the beneficiary with a global picture of the phenomena within the elemental unity of the pedological landscape that would result in the overall strategy on a set of sustainable ameliorative or cultural measures. Among the fundamental features of soil that have a relatively more determinant function are: salinisation, sodisation, acidity, humus reserve, CaCO3 content, properties who influenced the growth and birth of plants in direct relation to the mode of manifestation and the intensity of the phenomena.
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