Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXV, Issue 1
Written by Mladen ALMALIEV
The effectiveness of ameliorants applied into acidic soils depends on their neutralizing power, which is determined by the calcium carbonate content and their fineness. The choice of ameliorant is a complex task, because it must be found this one which has a high neutralizing effect on easily mobile exchange aluminium, as in parallel to penetrate deeper in the soil. The use of a precipitate, as both a slow-release phosphorus fertilizer and a chemical ameliorant to neutralize acidity was theoretically and practically justified in soils with slightly to moderately acidic reaction and temperate deficiency in terms of easily mobile exchange bases in the soil. The use of hydrated lime as a chemical ameliorant in acid soils led to a relatively fast, long lasting and effective neutralization of exchange acid positions in the soil.
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