Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXIV, Issue 2
Written by Kinga TOTH, Stelica CRISTEA
Researches were carried out in the experimental field from the locality Sanzieni, Covasna county, with the aim of determining the effectiveness of some treatment schemes in combating the pathogen Cercospora beticola Sacc. of the sugar beet. The biological material was represented by the Damian, Matti, Vangelis and Tatry varieties. Different treatment schemes were tested and efficacy was calculated. The treatment reduced significantly the attack of cercosporiosis in all the analyzed varieties. The Damian variety registered the highest efficacy value of 91.27% in the Flowbrix + Amistar Gold + Sphere 535 Sc + Solar Bor treatment scheme. The application of treatment schemes led to statistically guaranteed production increases.
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