Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXIV, Issue 2
Written by Oleg KUKHAREV, Ivan SEMOV, Karina KONDRATYEVA, Vladimir OVTOV
The article poses the main problem of the loss of seed germination during its storage in granaries. During storage, microorganisms multiply in grain, which not only worsen the grain yield, but also reduce the quality of the product. The most harmful and resistant species are found among the pests of grain stocks. The chemical method is one of the effective measures for pest control - which is the disinfection of seed material from external and internal infection, as well as pathogens of various bacterial and fungal diseases, spreading through seeds, soil and planting material. Such treatment protects crops from damage, contributing to the preservation of up to 30-50% of the crop. The equipment used in organizations for seed treatment does not always meet modern agrotechnical requirements; therefore, the authors have developed a technological scheme and design of an installation for disinfecting grain in a stream when storing it. The test results of the proposed technical device allow us to conclude about the appropriateness of its use.
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