Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXIV, Issue 2
Written by Tatyana BOZHANSKA, Minko ILIEV, Мagdalena PETKOVA, Biser BOZHANSKI
The experiment was conducted in the region of the Central Balkan Mountain (Bulgaria) in the period 2013-2015. Humate fertilizers were the objective for the present research was humate fertilizers (Phosphorus humate, Boron humate and Molybdenum humate) applied individually and in combination (at the stage of active vegetation of grass species) on the natural grass stand of Chrysopogon gryllus type. Grass stands treated with Molybdenum humate alone (160 ml/da) formed the highest yield of fresh (570.0 kg/da) and dry (195.6 kg/da) mass, which was proven (P <0.01). While the variants with foliar treatment by a combination of biofertilizers, such as Phosphorus humate (250 ml/da) + Boron humate (100 ml/da) + Molybdenum humate (100 ml/da), registered the lowest values (470.0 kg/da of fresh mass and 155.7 kg/da of dry mass). The percentage and species share of the main biological groups (grasses, legumes, motley grasses) in the natural grass stand changed in a positive way from the first to the third experimental year. The share of both main species Chrysopogon gryllus (characterizing the grass community) and motley grasses decreased, while there was an increase of Agrostis capillaris and legume meadow grasses (Trifolium campestre and Lotus corniculatus) in the above ground mass. The above data presupposes the formation of biomass with better qualitative and quantitative indicators.
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