Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXIV, Issue 2
Written by Stefka STEFANOVA-DOBREVA, Angelina MUHOVA
The aim of the study is to analyze the responsiveness of two Bulgarian varieties of triticale to the rate of nitrogen fertilization in the formation of grain yield. The study area was Field Crops Institute-Bulgaria. The test period concluded 2015/2017. Were tested two varieties triticale - Attila and Boomerang. Were included in the experimental production tree rates of nitrogen fertilizer (kg/ha) - N60, N120 and N180, incorporated tillering phase. The phosphorus fertilizer was 60 kg/ha, incorporated in autumn. Dispersion and regression analysis was applied to establish statistically significant influences of the studied factor and differences between the tested variants. Mineral fertilization at rates of 60, 120 and 180 kg N/ha had a confirmed statistical effect. Only the difference between the control variant and N60 had a proven effect. For both tested varieties, the largest increase in grain yield compared to the theoretical yield can be expected when fertilizing with 60 kg N/ha.
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