Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXIV, Issue 2
Written by Adrian PICA, Florin BOJA, Petru DARĂU, Corneliu MAIOR, Ciprian FORA, Mihaela MOATAR, Nicușor BOJA
This paper presents the results of our research regarding the six methods for seedbed preparation in nursery of the West of Romania. This method are: Vibrocombinator equipped with Gama type active organs (Vibro_Gama), Vibrocombinator equipped with Delta1 type active organs (Vibro_Delta1), Vibrocombinator equipped with Delta2 type active organs (Vibro_Delta2), Disc harrow (Disks), Cultivator (Cultivator) and Rotary harrow (Rotary harrow). In order to evaluate the most efficient method of preparing the germination bed, the following physical-mechanical properties of the soil were determined: moisture, bulk density, total porosity and soil compression degree and water retention. In order to carry out the research, we settled a nursery of the West of Romania so that we could have six methods for seedbed preparation. From each profile was collected soil samples in three steps of 5, 10 and 15 cm. For each sample six repetitions were performed (N = 6). We started by measuring the particle size distribution (granulometric composition) and the main physical properties of the soil. The advantages of using vibro-combinators are: perfect preparation of seedbed in difficult working conditions and preservation of soil moisture. Such important factors can ensure fast, uniform and early germination of seeds, these requirements standing at the basis of abundant harvests. The research investigated the soil tillage performances and the environmental impact of several active elements, at certain soil depths.
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