Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXIV, Issue 2
Written by Mihaela DOGARU, Damian DRAGOMIR
A basic requirement in the development of modern fruit growing, that should be characterized by economic and ecological efficiency, is the detailed knowledge of the factors which are influencing the crop development, namely: environmental conditions and culture methods. Both aspects must have as final goal the maintenance and permanent improvement of the soil fertility. The rational, economically and ecologically efficient application of fertilizers can be achieved only by knowing in detail the physico-chemical conditions of the soil, considered as a means of living production necessary for plant growth. Thus we can determine the technological links in which we must intervene to obtain sustainable production both in terms of environmental protection and economically. It is also important to remember that by knowing these characteristics, we can identify the ecological methods of disease and pest control, given that the health of plants is directly influenced by the health and fertility of the soil. In 2019, before planting, soil samples were collected from depths of 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm. The samples were analyzed from the point of view of the main soil fertility indicators, respectively: pH, humus content, degree of saturation in bases, nitrogen index, mobile phosphorus, sum of bases and hydrolytic acidity, in order to determine the favorable cultivation of fruiting shrubs. The paper makes recommendations on the need to apply fertilizers in order to optimize the conditions for setting up a new orchard in an intensive system.
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