Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXIV, Issue 1
Written by Maria BURDUŞEL, Paulina ANASTASIU, Tatiana-Eugenia ȘESAN
The habitats in the Basin of the Oltet River are characterized by a great plant diversity which is constantly changing due to natural and anthropogenic factors. The present study shows aspects regarding the existence of rare plant species in this river basin. We have focused on finding the presence of these species, with indication of location and date, to monitor the continuity of their existence in the habitats. We have identified 74 rare plant species, vulnerable or critically endangered. For these 16 species we have got the sozology status (protected species) given by the International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN Red List Category, Europe 2011). Some of the data about the rare plant species are over 50 years old and, consequently, new aspects have been noticed, with the habitat having undergone natural changes or having acquired a different use. It has been observed that some species have a small number of populations in the basin’s habitats, and the populations are made up of a small number of individuals. This situation, as well as the indication of the existence of some new rare plant speciesin the studied area, shows the necessity to establish the conservation status.
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