Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Valentin-Marius CIONTU, Daniel JALOBĂ, Marga GRĂDILĂ, Mihai GÎDEA
Recently, climatic changes have induced long periods of drought during growing season that caused a high dicrease of agricultural yields of classic grain legumes crop. In this circumstances, chickpea crop is considered to be more and more involved in crop rotation in Romania as it withstands drought best and has very good nutritional value. Thus, improving crop technology becomes an important aim for near future. This study aimed at the impact of tillage and chichpea varieties on quantity and quality index under climatic environment of Moara Domneasca in 2022 where at three varieties of chickpea (Burnas, Rodin, Kuky) three types of tillering were performed (plowing at 25 cm, subsoiling at 35 cm and disc harrowing at 12 cm). Finally, it was concluded that type of tillage most influenced yields than varieties, best average yield being 1575 kg/ha when plowing at 25 cm. Also, tillage types positively impacted quantity and quality indexes of chickpea yields in a higher degree than varieties.
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