ISSN 2285-5785, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5793, ISSN ONLINE 2285-5807, ISSN-L 2285-5785


Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Larisa Elena RÎPA (TOPÂRCEANU), Viorel GHIORȚAN, Georgeta GUȚĂ, Leonard ILIE

The purpose of the paper was to study and evaluate the morphological, agrophysical and agrochemical characteristics of the soil, the environment and geographical conditions as well as the evaluation of the land suitability potential, from the terrace area of Roseți locality, Călărași County. The objective of these evaluations is to estimate the possibilities of maintaining the optimal natural potential of the soil in the process of a certain way of use in a long period of time. The studied area is located in the Southern part of Bărăganului Plain. Most of the lands located on this relief form are included in the agricultural circuit, and a large part of them have arable use. Land, especially arable land, must be protected against natural and/or anthropogenic degradation factors, ensuring the maintenance of production potential, as well as the sustainable use of soil resources. In the flat areas of the plain, there are roofs and wide depression areas, where the water from precipitation in rainy periods accumulates and stagnates for a long time, producing stagnogleization of the soil. This added moisture caused the soil to evolve from Chernozems to Cambic Phaeozems with a pH from weakly alkaline (8.2) to weakly acidic (6.5). Ground water is found at different depths, below 5 m and above 10 m. From a climatic point of view, the studied territory is characterized by average annual temperatures of 11.50C and average annual precipitation of approx. 475 mm. In the studied area, carbonate and Typical chernozems predominate, and in roofs cambic, well and medium humiferous Phaeozems of medium thickness (25-50 cm), formed on loamy and clayey rocks, with humus content values between 2.64 and 3.84%. The texture varies depending on the soil type and the pedogenesis process, from medium loam, clay loam to dusty loam in the roof areas. The soil supply of phosphorus is good to very good, with values ranging from 45 ppm to 62 ppm, and the supply of potassium is medium to very good, with values ranging from 180 ppm to 296 ppm.

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