ISSN 2285-5785, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5793, ISSN ONLINE 2285-5807, ISSN-L 2285-5785


Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Daniela RĂDUCU, Irina-Carmen CALCIU, Alina-Carmen GHERGHINA, Alexandrina MANEA, Olga VIZITIU, Anca-Rovena LĂCĂTUȘU

The soil fertility is induced and sustained by the soil constituents. In this respect, the clay is one of the main nutrient bearing. The presence of the clay pedofeatures (coatings and pore infillings) generally shows an intense leaching process of the constituents from the rooting zone. The leaching process also includes the nutrients depletion, and consequently a pH decreased. The results of the micromorphological investigation of the Phaeozems shows the presence of many impure clay coatings (consisting of clay and a large amount of colloidal humified organic matter), in all the pedogenetic horizons. The richness of the humic substances created a favourable environment for the microbiota. As a result, many microorganisms developed on the impure clay coatings, the evidence being the presence of many fungi spores, as well as the black mycelium of the mycorrhizal fungi on these coatings. The micromorphological investigation pointed out another facet of the intimate mechanisms of the Phaeozems related to fertility (as one of the most important ecosystem services).

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