Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LVIII
Written by Alexandru-Marian CHIPER
Under the circumstances of continuous change of the environment conditions by increasing global warming, decreasingrainfall and soil erosion and also under the circumstances of continuous change of the social conditions by increasingpopulation and implicitly by increasing food and drinkable and industrial water requirements, the agriculture and theconnected industry must adapt themselves to this, by using competitive techniques and technologies for being able tooffer the elementary products which are necessary for ensuring economical and social development. The factors which mean a major risk and negative effects for agricultural production on regional or national areas are pedological drought, flooding, heat, freeze and frost which appear within long periods of time. Within this research I have analyzed the climatic temperature parameters measured within the period from 1961 till 2012 on meteorological stations which are representative for the agricultural territory of South and South-Eastern Muntenia. The data have been analyzed both from the point of view of the intensity of such natural phenomena and from the point of view of the duration of their appearance (the number of days with heat and the number of days with frost).The agricultural regions in the South of the country (which in our case means South and South-Eastern Muntenia) are agricultural territories which are vulnerable when faced with heat and frost natural phenomena and within the period of time from 1961 until 2012 there have been registered here in this regions intensity values of heat and frost natural phenomena which belong to the highest values that have been noticed in whole Romanian agricultural teritory. This means that by using the obtained information (which shows the average values of these indicators for theyears contained within the period of time 1981-2012) the farmers (both the farmers who are specialized ongenetic amelioration of plant species and the farmers who are specialized on mass production) may producehybrids which are economically competitive and adapted to climacteric circumstances and stress factors(heat and frost) which are representative for South and South-Eastern Muntenia.
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