Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LVIII
Written by Hristo P. STOYANOV
Modern agricultural production and the growing demand for qualitative grain inputs, suggest dynamic and constantlydevelopment of new technologies and varieties of cereals in order to meet the market requirements. Therefore breedersfaced a number of difficulties, since combining quantitative with qualitative parameters of yield being a difficult andlengthy process. Wide hybridization allows valuable plant materials that incorporate such features such as high proteincontent, resistance to diseases and pests, tolerance to abiotic stress and etc, to be obtained. The species Triticum×savovii (2n=6x=42, AuAuBBAbAb) is amphidiploid obtained as a result of interspecific hybridization, which combinesthe genomes of the species Triticum polonicum (2n=4x=28, AuAuBB) and Triticum boeoticum (2n=2x=14, AbAb). Sinceboth are characterized by very valuable qualities, they represent significant interest for the breeding of the wheatspecies. In order to determine its eligibility to participate in the hybridization programs as starting breeding material,the morphological parameters of the spikes and grains of species Triticum ×savovii were studied within 2 years.Moderate to significant variation in the indicators related to the weight of spike and the weight and the number ofgrains in a spike was settled. Less is the reported variation in the length of the spike but not for the indicatorsassociated therewith. There were no significant variations in the weight of 1000 grains, which highlights thecomparative uniformity of the resulting production of studied amphidiploid. There are, however, some differencesbetween productivity associated with growing conditions (factor "economic year"), which suggests differences in someof the climatic factors. However, the species indicates stability and flexibility in relation to the morphologicalcharacteristics of the formed spikes, which together with its other characteristics (resistance to diseases), makes itvaluable for inclusion in the breeding programs of the wheat species.
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