Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LV-2012
Written by Irina-Ramona PECINGINĂ
Sorting station and production of asphalt mixtures, the city-Peútiúani Gureni activity is to dosing, heating and drying aggregates, followed by mixing them with bitumen and filler to obtain asphalt mixtures. The main sources of soil contamination inside the site are: storage and handling of fuels and fuel, particulate emissions from the manufacturing process technology mix asphalt and maintenance cars. To assess soil contamination with heavy metals in 2011 were collected and analyzed soil samples from the 0-30 cm depth in the following collection points: inside the station mixtures near the aggregate dryer and reservoir near fuel. The soil samples were chemically analyzed by semiquantitative emission spectral analysis method and were determined as indicators of As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Mn, Zn, Ni. Concentrations obtained were compared with normal values, alert thresholds and thresholds for intervention and results have been interpreted.
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