Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LV-2012
Written by Gheorghe JIGĂU
Contemporary pedogenesis in the Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic region is determined by the evolution of natural pedogenetic factors (climate, geology, biology) in terms of increasing human impact on the overall system of factors . soil. This means a new stage in the evolution of natural-anthropic soils that we propose to call anthropogenesis. The basic components of anthropogenesis are: 1. Anthropisation of the constitution and functioning processes of the soil as a body and physical system, especially the processes that are aggregate organization and settlement indices, 2. Modification of humus profile (organic matter) which is materialized into color changes, depth, content and composition of humus; 3. Transformation of the carbonates in the soil profile that is materialized into changes related to thickness, depth of accumulation, new formations of carbonates and the migration processes character, 4. Formation of the anthropical new horizon: arable, subarable, pedological metamorphosed 5. Modification in the structural organization of the pedologenetical layer that is evidenced in the shape deformation, the packaging and inter-aggregate organization, compactation, etc., 6. The transformation manner of how is placed the soil mass, reflected in the bulk density, porosity etc.
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