ISSN 2285-5785, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5793, ISSN ONLINE 2285-5807, ISSN-L 2285-5785


Published in Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LX
Written by Olesea COJOCARU

This article is the result of research on soils in Negrea village of Hancesti District concerning the erodability of the terrain. The purpose of this article it is researched territory division of the estate blacks in 6 classes with varying degrees of erodability (presented in accordance N. Florea etc. - very low, low, moderate, strong, very strong, excessive) and the elaboration a map on soils erodability. A first step in harnessing the data (because, for the first time in the Republic of Moldova was determined erodability of soils) was the primary analysis of data obtained in the field, as well as statistical methods. Erodability values of soils in reception basin “Negrea” were calculated based on their characteristics parameters which influence erosion, according to the formula proposed by P. Stanescu (Stanga, 2005) - erodability of soils was estimated based on analytical data humus content, clay content and bulk density of investigated soils. It has been demonstrated that the high risk of erosion is induced medium textures - in the horizon from the surface with a fine texture in the substrate fact that no longer allows infiltration of rain water in depth and, consequently, the more rapidly organization surface runoff that practices the soil particles. The results of calculation of erodability of the soils in the village Negrea are presented in tables 1and 2. Generally, most reception basin soils because of silty clay loam texture, sandy and low humus content the erodability is characterized by large and are vulnerable to erosion processes. The knowledge of erodability degree is necessary for agricultural activity of farmers

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